Current statistics show that more than 50 million people in the United States suffer from acid reflux disease. What is acid reflux? Basically, acid reflux (GERD) is when hydrochloric acid backs up into your esophagus and causes burning pain, and even damage to the delicate tissue lining and windpipe. The most common signs and symptoms of this disorder are nausea, belching, constant bloating, chest pain, difficulty swallowing, and occasional regurgitation of food.
How does one get this painful disorder? The perfect formula for acid reflux disease is the combination of acid causing foods, stress, smoking, being overweight, and taking medications. Does this sound like 90% of the population? We are more stressed than ever and the average American has a diet high in acid causing foods. Combine this with the statistic that the average American, over 55, takes 6 different prescription medications per day and we have the perfect storm for acid reflux. Unfortunately, the most common (not most appropriate) treatment for acid reflux is medication, prescription and over the counter drugs. This seems counter productive when you think about it. Take a prescription drug when that is one of the potential causes? Well, that treatment is so common that most of my patients that come in with acid reflux are prescribed drugs like Prilosec because of the other drugs they are taking. Sound familiar? Ask your friends and family taking these drugs, many of them will tell you the same. Lets not overlook devastating side effects of these commonly prescribed drugs. Here is a list of side effects of Prilosec straight from
You need to know there is a better way! As a wellness doctor my mission is to educate people that drugs are not the answer to improve body function and overall health. In fact, I know the more prescription drugs you take, the sicker you become. Prescription drugs are needed in many cases but not until all other safer and natural options have been exhausted. So let's look at acid reflux in a way that keeps our body functioning better. First, instead of looking at acid reflux as you body malfunctioning, lets look at why you have it. Back in high school chemistry we learned about acidity and alkalinity. These are opposite ends of the spectrum and need to be in balance to create good body chemistry. Lets suppose after getting into a heated debate with your boss, you go home, eat five tacos, drink a six pack of beer, and then go right to sleep. You will, more than likely, develop acid reflux symptoms. Your body responded appropriately to the environment you provided by producing copious amounts of acid. Your body did nothing wrong, YOU DID! Instead of recognizing this, you swallow a couple pills, which blocks your body from making the acid it needs to and you don't feel the pain. Therefore, you can continue to make those poor choices next time, knowing the pill will make you "feel better". Instead of living a cycle that obviously is proven to not work, try to incorporate these wellness solutions into your life. 1. Have some form of stress management in your life. 2. Exercise (this can be a form of stress management). This acts to help maintain proper body alkalinity and avoid chronic sympathetic distress. 3. Avoid drugs when all possible. All drugs (prescription or not) are toxic! 4. Incorporate more alkaline foods in your lifestyle. Think Green! 5. Have a wellness chiropractor on your health care team to make sure your nervous system is working to heal your body and not in sympathetic distress. Chiropractors work with the nervous system to help reduce nerve stress and keep the body functioning optimally and avoid Dis-Ease. The next time your body is experiencing symptoms. Ask yourself, "why is my body giving me these symptoms? I want to know the cause of the symptoms and not cover them up with drugs."
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Your brain and nervous system is the conductor that orchestrates the workings of your entire body. With clear communication, the beautiful music we know as "life" is produced.
But many people have a problem with their tuba player. For some the tuba player could be their thyroid, their gallbladder, their stomach, heart disease, asthma, cancer or whatever... Their tuba player can't see the conductor! That causes one of two things. Sometimes the tuba player just sits quietly... Other times, the tuba player goes overboard. The medical approach would be to surgically remove or chemically suppress the tuba player. The chiropractic approach is to restore the connection between the tuba player and the conductor. Naturally, that involves locating and correcting interference to the controlling commands that travel over the nervous system. Chiropractic can bring harmony back to your life! |
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