As children rapidly grow, they’re in a continuous process of breaking down and getting rid of old cells and tissues as newer cells and tissues emerge. (Sick, dead and dying cells getting replaced by healthy cells - remember, from Class?) Anyone with an immune system goes through this process, but for growing children it’s happening at a more frequent rate. The byproduct of this ongoing process of detoxification is inflammation. As the immune system is constantly working to detoxify and rebuild the child’s body so that they can develop healthy tissues, the body can develop symptoms like mucus and you guessed it… fevers. Fevers, in this sense, are created (innate design) by our immune system to defend the body against our body’s toxicity and the germs that feed on that toxicity. An immune system that is vigorously exercised through fevers in childhood is a much stronger, adaptive, and able adult immune system than one that has been suppressed since birth with vaxxinations, antibiotics, and fever reducing medications.
Let's talk about challenges and how to overcome them. Not with guru hacks but an actual principle that works!
A brief history: 2011: A car fell from the sky and killed my best friend. 2014: Went thru a chiropractic 'divorce' and separated my partnership. Cost was $42,800. 2015: Started The Wellness Pointe from scratch with no money. 2017: In the midst of adjusting 300+ people per week, I snapped my achilles. 2018: Miscarried our second child. 2019: Lost a brother in law to cancer. 2020: Covid hits... 30% of our weekly members quit out of fear. These are just a few highlighted challenges that stick out to me as I write this. I'm sure if I took a little more time, I could think of 100 more... But that is not the point. The point is: WE ALL HAVE STRESS + CHALLENGES. AND we all can decide how to handle them and move forward. 1) complain, whining, and crying or 2) winning, loving, and thriving. After every year of stress and challenge I have grown. My relationship with my wife is better. My connection with my children has improved. My health has improved. Even with the ruptured achilles set back. My business has grown and become more fulfilling. Here's the principle that works: Commit and don't quit. That's it. The bottom line, there is no HACK. When you feel like you are losing, when you feel stressed out, when you feel like you're moving backwards or are stuck... just put your head down and do the work. And when you feel like you are winning, everything is going perfect, life couldn't get any better... keep putting your head down and do the work. So many people are looking for the... MAGIC PILL to HEALTH FAST TRACK to MONEY SECRET to HAPPINESS There is no magic pill, fast track, or secret... there is NO HACK. Now it's your turn. No matter where you are right now. Maybe you're a weekly member, maybe you still haven't committed, maybe you started and now you're sitting on the sideline... wondering if you should get back in the game again. The answer will always be: YES! But either way. I'll still root you on. I know many get offended by my black and white delivery... but let me give you some background before you're quick to judge. I was far worse than 99% of people who come to The Wellness Pointe hoping to resolve their problems. And that's a fact. Just so you know where it all started, I'll be honest with you... I was born healthy... but I was not delivered to this earth healthy. If that doesn't make sense to you, watch so you can see where design can go wrong... but most importantly, how you can get it right. I grew up my first few years of life like most other kids, running around, eating ice cream on hot summer days, playing soccer with friends, and spending the summers on my grandparents farm... and that is when the "unknown happened"... At 5 years old, I started having trouble breathing... I was delivered/birthed via traditional medicine so when something was wrong we used traditional medical advice and treatment for everything from ear infections to stuttering to bed wetting, etc a pill was always the answer for my symptoms... well... shortly after all that, I was labeled again... diagnosed... with an "incurable" lung dis-ease the medical system said I was going to have for the rest of my life. They had never seen anything like it before... 3-4 nights per week, I would wake up gasping for air, unable to breath, unable to scream for help, it was paralyzing & terrifying to say the least... sleep was my least favorite thing to do (and it still is) because I was unsure if I was going to wake up... The medical system's answer, once again, was more drugs. A pill every morning and every night to make sure my alveoli wouldn't collapse while I slept... Everyday, for 7 years, I would swallow their potion and tell myself, "there's something wrong with me, I'm unworthy, I am unable, I am sick..." For so long, I actually started to beLIEve it. We went from specialist to specialist to find an outside-in answer... never realizing the answer was always inside-out... And then another "unknown happened"... My mother met a chiropractor that said could help me... Now you have to understand the context of what society beLIEves a chiropractor fixes - back pain and headaches - like most of you reading this... we call this a "fragmented belief system" (the belief of only partial truths). We thought (at the time) chiropractors tape ankles, stretch hamstrings, and push on painful spots in the back to make them "pop" back into place... we were uninformed. My mom said, "Thank you BUT we have tried everything and nothing works." The chiropractor said, "If you've tried everything... then your son would have his health back." Shocked! That would be most people's response. And that's most people's reaction when I post stuff like this... but the truth is... I wasn't born sick. I got sick. And if I can get sick, then I can get well. That is an unarguable truth. I did not know that at the time because the diagnosis from the expert was "incurable". Thank God! My mom was all ears... and didn't brush off the chiropractor as some arrogant, judgemental, jerk! (that's what you think of me... and is 1 of the primary reasons you cannot get well). To make a long story short, we started chiropractic care, knowing it was going to be a process since I had my subluxation complex for over 12 years... But here's what happened. And it's not even the punchline, that comes later.... After 3.5 months of getting adjusted 40+ times... I finally slept an entire week without waking up gasping for air. That week turned into a month and that month turned into a year and when I was 13 I, cold turkey, stopped taking my medication, went to the annual lung check up and I blew (literally) all the tests off the charts... The medical doctors said, "Great, the experimental drugs are working" I said, "I'm no longer taking them. I stopped them months ago." [Reminder: I'm 13 years old]. They were dumbfounded. But here's the fact that "science" won't tell you. Drugs don't restore function. Adjustments do. I don't tell you this story to make myself out to be something "special" or an "exception to the rule" nor do I say this to get pity or sympathy from anyone... I say this because we are all "fearfully and wonderfully made". We are not put together or put here by accident. Now here's the punchline (and a hard pill to swallow): Because life is not an accident, neither is your dis-ease process. Health is a culmination of the right behaviors over a long period of time and dis-ease is a culmination of wrong behaviors (many of them blindspots you never even knew were problems) compounded over a long period of time. So stop living life on accident. 8 weeks ago I tore up my knee working out. Torn miniscus, sprained ligaments and quad... no bueno... the point of this story is not to get sympathy or a pity party from anyone. But... It hurt. Bad. A few weeks of limping and a random day where my leg locked out and I couldn't bend it for 30 hours... Ouch! Here's the good news and where I want you to start paying attention. I had options: 1.) surgery 2.) rest it for a few months and not workout 3.) never workout again 4.) modify and keep going Option 1 was loaded with horror stories, including infection, amputation of a leg after a botched surgery, and a few friend's experiences with the surgeon I had an appointment scheduled with that didn't end well... that was enough to cross it off the list of options. Option 2 and 3 don't matter. Even though it's an option for many people and that's the only reason I listed them... because some people actually choose quitting as an option. Quit stuff that doesn't benefit you. Smoking, watching netflix, social media addictions, alcohol, excuses, negative self talk, hanging out with naggers... etc. Which left me really only 1 option... #4. Keep going. It should be the only option for all of us. There are challenges in LIFE, There will be times when the weight, the challenge, the struggle, the pain... feels too heavy in certain areas but in the end... all that matters is... Don't QUIT. Keep going. Keep pushing. Here I am 8 weeks later, my left knee feels 80% better, it's getting stronger, more stable, and more flexible... Until Monday... When I heard a large "POP!" while doing wall balls at the gym. ...and that is how life works. You keep pushing through challenges. You don't quit. You may have thoughts of quitting but your second thought will tell you the first thought was just you acting too emotional... Do it long enough, challenge after challenge, setback after setback, failure after failure... and you will become stronger in life. Remember that time you were going to throw in the towel and quit... ?? but you didn't. Any strength you have today to push through obstacles is because of those moments. There is only 1 option.
If you are not willing to do the hard stuff... don't be surprised if your health and the rest of your life doesn't grow in the right direction. You will experience... Bumps, bruises, setbacks, failures, let downs... that's fact. As I watched my girls learning to swim today... They fell, sucked in half the lake into their lungs, coughed, cried, flapped their arms, and screamed for help... but you know what I noticed... they kept jumping back in! They always remind me of the ONE THING they ALWAYS DO! They get back up. And never give up. Such a great metaphor for life. Because as they keep getting back up they eventually hit their targets. So why don't adults get back up more often? Because they aren't used to falling anymore. Do the hard 💩.
Hey! First off, I know this is a weird title but first let me give you some background before I explain zombie health. Have you ever heard of a zombie company? Yes. You read that right. A zombie company is a distressed business without enough profits to pay operating expenses and service their debt for three consecutive years. They are dead in the sense that they don't have enough revenue to pay their bills... But they are alive, and in some cases, have multi-billion dollar valuations. You might think underwater/zombie companies are rare on Wall Street... especially among the publicly traded firms. Well... guess again. As of March of 2023, around 840 companies listed on the NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) met the definition of a "zombie company". The NYSE and NASDAQ represent approximately 6000 corporations, which means 14% are zombies... or 1 out of every 8 businesses. yikes. Which means, some of these companies might be in your portfolio... and you don't even know it! These vulnerable businesses lack the extra cash needed to grow their business and even pay down current debt... and their bills. One event, market disruption, one more bad quarter, could lead to insolvency and bankruptcy. From a personal perspective... Imagine a family that barely earns enough to pay the bills. They make minimum payments on their credit card... They have 2 large car payments. A refinanced home... 3xs over... and they stress out about every expense. We call this living paycheck to paycheck because there is never enough left over to save for a rainy day, let alone build anything special. Now imagine that any unexpected cost goes on a credit card, from a car repair, a birthday party, etc... and now they start using their credit card for expected costs... like groceries, gas and clothes... They can manage for a while... but it is not sustainable. And they run out of money. From a business perspective... It works the same way. Companies without enough sales (revenue) to pay their bills utilize debt to stay afloat. They may... stagger vendor payments, cut corners on products and services, lay off employees, and ultimately rack up more debt to stay afloat. How do zombie companies survive? When interest rates remain low, and lenders don't have strict policies for loan approvals, it supports companies that otherwise would die. Banks facing a write off often are often willing to refinance debt at low rates in the hopes that the company will turn itself around. The ultra-low rates in the last decade led to an unprecedented number of zombie companies. They create an "illusion" that everything is "ok" when it's not... The fed hikes have now changed the landscape. That once cheap debt has now more than doubled and now we are about to see the side effects... So, what does this have to do with your health? Every person has the ability to ADAPT to a poor lifestyle. "Put it on a credit card" "Print more money" "kick the can down the road"... whatever you want to call it... we call it... adapting. The system that allows for you and I to adapt to smoking a cigarette, eating poorly, sitting for too long, and being lazy is our nervous system. It's like our banking system... our very own credit card... our very own internal money printing system when it comes to keeping us afloat... But you cannot live however you want without side effects. Kicking the can down the road will end for all. And from a personal health perspective... Imagine people who eat pastries for breakfast 2-3 days a week, rarely sleep well, get lost in the jumble of life and kids schedules, eat 2-3 days on the road because they are "so busy", skip exercise because they are "too tired", pop a tylenol for their random headache, chase it with a diet coke, and only visit a chiropractor when they "feel it" [whatever the heck that means]... these people are living health "paycheck to paycheck"... they are putting disease on a credit card... just kicking the can down the road... and this WILL NOT END WELL... It will look like... dis-ease, drugs, treatment, therapy, and medical bills beyond your normal comprehension... They can manage for a while... but it is not sustainable. And they run out of the ability to adapt... This is why it's so important to include weekly chiropractic into your routine of healthy eating, high intensity exercise, and being happy. ✌🏼
Does insurance cover chiropractic? Absolutely. Many health insurance plans cover chiropractic care for acute and short-term conditions. Rarely, do health insurance plans cover maintenance and it's even more rare that insurance will cover wellness chiropractic care for the entire family (Getting checked for subluxation every 7-10 days). Chiropractic insurance coverage has different deductibles, copays, coinsurance amounts, and benefit limits. Key Takeaways
Today is the day after Memorial Day... a day of respect, remembrance, and realization of the importance of standing up for something bigger than ourselves. Let's be honest... that's why you want to take control and independence of your health and avoid control of big pHARMa, that's why you started a family and choose to raise those children with your family values, that's the reason why you choose not to wear a mask during the plandemic and refused the poison dart... It was a chance to voice your opinion, values, beliefs, etc... regardless of the opposition fighting to destroy it. As I thought this Memorial Day I wonder if every soldier that fought for our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness really understands how much their effort and sacrifice is valued? I know, for me, this country has given me and my family an opportunity that no other place in this world could. It is the courage and sacrifices of our fallen heroes that have preserved the American Dream, ensuring that we can live life on our own terms, have the liberties that we often take for granted, and pursue happiness and chase our own ambitions. They have fought on foreign soil, away from their families, enduring unimaginable hardships, all to ensure that we can continue to thrive in this great country built on hope and possibilities. To think that in 2019 the same country who lets freedom ring, is the home of the brave, and land of the free would declare war... not on foreign soil, not with a foreign nation, not with foreign people... But it's own. And the best way to keep honoring those who lost their lives for this great country is to KEEP FIGHTING.
All the talk is Exhausting and Frustrating when its NOT backed by CONSISTENT ACTION. Distraction is the enemy of focus. I get it, life happens, it's always easier "said than done"... and people get upset at NOT getting to where they want to be on their goals.... There is always an underlying cause... a lack of consistent action! I want you to get more out of your health, more out of life, and more out of any area in life you are working on. But don't just be a talker... be a doer. And stay consistent. Choose the area you want to focus on... then... show up... do the work... and the needle will move. The exhaustion and frustration comes when... You don't hit the goals. You feel behind. You've been procrastinating. You've made a commitment/promise to yourself and didn't follow thru. There is no exhaustion and frustration when... You hit your goals. You feel ahead of the game. You do more than is asked or expected of you. You make a promise to yourself and you KEEP it. This is where peace lives. Consistent Action.
Commitment and Discipline. There is no magic pill, magic solution, 30 days to a better you, mastermind to better health, etc... there is nothing "secret" to getting your health back and staying healthy. The only pill to swallow (and for most it's a difficult one) is committing to the right things for the rest of your life. Some people get this principle and for others... it's just not for you.
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October 2023