The forgotten truth... everyone... including you.
Have you ever seen an older person with a severe curve to their spine? Do you think that happened all at once? No way! That is what 40-60 years of cumulative vertebral misalignments looks like… You are witnessing the manifestation of tiny, barely perceptible, vertebral misalignments gone uncorrected for years… Every vertebra is separated from the vertebra above and below by soft discs of cartilage that act like ligaments holding your spine together and also as spacers keeping adequate space for nerves to exit between the vertebra. These discs allow for the spine to be in 24 moveable segments to allow for all types of motion. Although having a moveable spine makes for a higher quality of life, the unfortunate part of the spine being able to move so freely is that sometimes it moves “too far” and gets “stuck” out of position… this usually occurs when their is too much stress (thoughts, traumas, toxins) placed on the system. Vertebral misalignments happen all time from a variety of reasons : Like…
Some of the initial vertebral misalignments you do not FEEL because you are too young to realize they are there [for example, do you remember your birth? of course not]… as you get older, you might feel a few of them happen, but taking a tylenol after a bad football tackle or four hours on a computer does not correct the vertebral misalignments that you feel nor does it correct the subluxations that have been there since birth… After some muscle relaxers, tylenol, and a little time that passes, the muscles around the injured area will compensate (adapt) for the new incorrect position of the vertebra. [Because the body is smart and doesn’t want you to be in pain forever.] Soon, the soreness lessens and soon you will be led to believe that whatever was bothering you must have resolved by itself and everything is fine… Until the next stress happens and the damage accumulates… A vertebral misalignment anywhere along the spine can put pressure on the spinal cord and affect the nervous system, but when it happens in the upper cervical area of your spine [just beneath your skull] - the atlas and axis area, that is when things get critical… When the atlas and axis shift out of alignment, they can actually alter function of the brainstem, which puts direct pressure on the relay system of information into and out of your brain… This can cause a wide array of issues as minor as a muscle tension headache, to things as severe as numbness in the extremities, severe chemical/hormonal imbalances, problems perceiving the environment and responding appropriately [like autism, ADD, ADHD, sensory processing, etc], reduced organ function [cardiac, respiratory, thyroid/hormone dis-function] and dis-ease. The critical question is: “Can this be corrected?” The answer is: “Yes, vertebral misalignments can be corrected” But… There are, what we call, limitations to matter. Which means, if the subluxation has been there since birth and now you are 34 years old, visiting a chiropractor for the first time, neurologically, the body may not have the capacity to repair itself… but here is the good thing! — We can keep it from getting worse and we can prevent future problems from manifesting worse. Which then leads to the next critical question: “Why don’t I bring my kids to get checked weekly for vertebral misalignments so they don’t end up with my problems?” The answer is: “You should get them checked weekly.”
Dr. Randall’s parents stopped in on Saturday! Sometimes you just have to see it to believe it… They arrived at approximately 11:30am Saturday morning and were welcomed to an office with standing room only… as they waited, 63 people came, got checked for subluxation and left… in only 30mins… “How is that even possible??” As you can imagine, The Wellness Pointe’s business model is just not for everybody… BUT Dr. Randall’s parents loved it! They loved watching the kids jump up on the table… They loved watching the whole family get adjusted together… They loved witnessing a community get adjusted for wellness… They loved hearing the music and not the complaints… They loved seeing the smiling faces, the laughs, the energy… And they loved watching people enjoying and expressing life at 100%. Over the years we have had the blessing of helping so many people embrace this paradigm…while at the same time finding out who our doubters are (or as I call them - haters). Many of them are just some locals who are tired of my loud mouth opinion of big government and big pHARMa along with their secret weapon - the poison dart 💉 … Next, there are some who don’t understand how we can serve so many people per week… And then, there are the others… our colleagues… chiropractors who think we are turning chiropractic into the next McDonalds franchise. Quick. Cheap. Convenient. With a side of diet coke. We don’t believe that! When you take care of someone week after week after week, you begin to know not just their spine but their family, their likes, their dislikes, their dreams, ambitions, what makes them laugh, whether or not they can handle my rude sense of honesty and blunt remarks 🥰 — this creates a bond that continues to build between Us and Them which is impossible to replicate anywhere else. There is a vulnerability and connection that transcends the office and our name and creates a space that allows for miracles in just as little as 1 minute that’s merely punctuated with an adjustment. So how is that even possible? Easy. We love people.
You've heard the old adage, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Failing to plan is like building a lego set blindfolded... we all know how hard that would be.... You might be able to get a couple pieces right but nearly impossible to complete it correctly. We've all been guilty of not planning correctly (or not planning at all) and just "shooting from the hip". When starting our 2nd practice in Johnson Creek I knew there were going to be a ton of logistics that went into it and not planning would have made a disaster... a busted up lego set. I can tell you this from experience - It's never luck that gets things done. "Luck" is where hard work and opportunity cross paths. Health is definitely no different. From my experience, most people (75%+) think "the healthy ones are the lucky ones". These people wishing upon luck like some charming leprechaun who's sitting at the end of a rainbow with a pot of gold for them... To these people I say this, "good luck to you buddy. Have fun waiting." And to the rest of you, I laid out the blueprint (the opportunity)... all it needs now is for you to do the hard work. Download it here Happy St. Patty's Day!
Although it's important to understand that ADHD today is classified as one diagnosis with multiple subtypes, it is really much easier to look at it as just two main types: The first traditionally known as ADD, exhibits when a child does not have so much hyperactivity or behavior problems, but instead has trouble paying attention, staying on task, and keeping organized. The second type is "classic" ADHD, where the "H" is emphasized. In these cases, the child has an excessive amount of hyperactivity, anger and abnormal behavior. No matter the two types, most kids have some characteristics of both types but have a "dominant" type. Next, it is far more important to understand the cause of the disorder, than to simply label (diagnose) it. Medicine is in the business of diagnosis and treating symptoms through medication and alteration. Chiropractic is in the business of discovering the root cause of the disorder and removing it. One approach is unnatural and temporary at best, the latter is natural and seeks to restore function and create lasting changes. It has been my experience that most parents/individuals choose natural when given the option. Here are the basics: ADHD is rooted in the brain/nervous system. Medicine treats it by attempting to manipulate "chemicals" called neurotransmitters. ADHD is a neurological problem, not a genetic or chemical problem. If the brain is taking in too much stressful stimuli, it reacts with what's called a "stress response". When that "fight/flight" stress response is activated, it forces the body to create more stress chemicals, such as cortisol and epinephrine. It's exactly the same if you stomp on the gas pedal of your car – your car's engine (brain) gets more gasoline. ADHD is an INPUT problem. The symptoms of hyperactivity and poor focus are just the brain's natural reaction to bad input. If you calm and organize the input to the brain and nervous system then you calm and organize it's output. Chiropractic works on the basic premise that it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (brake pedal). The adjustment takes our brain from "gas pedal" to "brake pedal" the more we stimulate it (more frequent adjustments). The parasympathetic nervous systems job is to promote healing, growth, reproduction, relaxation, development, focus, learning, digestion, hormone balance, sleep, rest, etc. The key to helping families is not medicating them into a self induced coma... the key is to help restore the input and function to the brain and central nervous system. By improving the input (cause) then we can change the output (effect). If you, your child, or someone you know suffers from ADD/ADHD or even spectrum disorders please don't hesitate to call or email us. We'd love to help. Schedule Here: Click here
Because you can at least change 'bad' input. You cannot change luck. Why do other kids struggle and your kids don't? The answer is pretty simple but very scary. It starts with the way mom is living PRE-pregnancy. Sorry dads... Even though your epigenomic factors do matter... they don't matter as much as moms. Moms (or if this is your first pregnancy - soon to be moms) are stressed out to the max from all the 3Ts preconception... Thoughts, Traumas, Toxins... school, college, alcohol, bad food, birth control, expectations, etc... it's a lot. Then they get pregnant and move into the "prenatal world", excited at first and then scared with all the policies and tests thrown around the mainstream OB/Medicine world... So mom limps into the delivery room emotionally drained and physically stressed... Then... intervention happens, and that 'deep-rooted' emotional stress baby felt in the womb gets physical and chemical stress added to it via epidural, ptocin, ultrasound, forceps, vacuum, c-section, etc... Add it all up, and the baby's motor, sensory, and autonomic systems are all 'wound up' from day one. We call this "subluxation". Subluxation (bad) is now running the show and the nervous systems efficiency is toast! Nursing is a struggle, keeping weight on is difficult, sleep is altered, digestion sucks, and this leads to mom searching to fix the symptoms... What do you think it would have looked like if you kept the system inference-free? And the nervous system was given the right input pre-conception and during the birth process? The answer is easy. Look at people who did it. And observe the outcome. Well... you can't go backwards or change the past. But you can start doing the right thing today and get you and your child's nervous system running properly so subluxation is no longer running the show. Can you or your child get better? Absolutely. But the longer you wait, the harder it is to reverse. See you soon!
Do you remember that old commercial "this is your brain on drugs" ? The man stares at the egg in his hand and says, "This is your brain"... He points to a frying pan on the stove and continues, "This is drugs"... Then he cracks open the egg into a sizzling hot pan of oil... As he watches it cook, he says, "This is your brain on drugs". He looks back at the camera and firmly asks, "Any questions?" Fear marketing works well. Because there are only 2 primary motivators in life - the avoidance of pain and the desire for pleasure. We obviously know which one is a bigger motivator.... "avoidance of pain". This is why the gyms are full every January (the fear of being fat and having a low self esteem). This is why people locked themselves in their houses for 14 days... some 14 months... some still haven't come out (the fear of death)! And this is why people call a chiropractor for the first time - fear of pain. Living the life you were designed to live is not going to be created by just "avoiding pain" for the rest of your life. The real winners in life will always have stress, will endure pain, will overcome struggles and challenges on a DAILY basis. But here's the difference between winners and losers. Winners refuse to quit. No matter the pain, challenge, struggle, stress, etc... because they have anchored themselves to something in the future that keeps "pulling" them into the right direction. They don't need a motivational video, a coach, or frequent emails to "push" them to get better because they have a 'desire' for something in the future bigger than themselves.
There's been a lot of talk about "gain of function" regarding covid. What is gain of function? Gain of function is when an organism can acquire a new ability to "gain" a "function". This can happen naturally through a process of adaptation or synthetically through a process of laboratory and research experiments. When this process is done naturally, the end result for the organism is survival. But when the process is done synthetically, scientists use a variety of techniques to modify the organism to carry out an end result... regardless of survival. In this instance, the Covid-china-flu, was modified to attack elderly and the immunocompromised. Why? Because currently, those populations are the greatest liabilities to our national debt. Currently, the unpaid social security liability is $22 Trillion and the unpaid medicare liability is over $35 Trillion. Totaling a whopping $57+ Trillion in unpaid liabilities. Just to put that in prospective, the US national debt is just shy of $32 Trillion... and the total unpaid liabilities is a massive $182 TRILLION!!! Which is a liability cost of $544,ooo per American. Currently, America has a total of $180 Trillion in national assets, so if each American sold ALL their assets to China we would still be $2 Trillion in the red. The china-flu may have come from Wuhan... but Fauci and the NIH, NIAID, and other government agencies like the CDCeit have their fingerprints all over this. Was the gain of function altered so covid would be more detrimental to the population above? Why didn't covid effect children the way it did the elderly? Why did we shut down schools? Perpetuate the fear that infants, children, teenagers, and young athletes were at risk for getting covid and dying? Why were hospitals rewarded ($$$) to diagnose and treat covid with ventilators and isolation? And why were doctors condemned if they were to promote ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine? Easy. In order for a vaxxine to be classified as "emergency use only" there cannot be any other treatment for the dis-ease. So ivermectin and HCQ took a back seat on the Joe Rogan podcast, censorship rose to an all time high, and big pHARMa profited... Moderna has been around for approximately 10 years... it took Moderna 8 years to become a billion dollar company. In 2020, Moderna's annual revenue was $800 Million. After they rolled out the "emergency use only" wackxxine... and damned and condemned every other treatment (which by the way actually works) they made a few more dollars... In 2021 their annual revenue was $18.5 Billion (with a B) and in 2022 their annual revenue was $19.3 Billion. A 20x return in 1 year. Nice ROI. And the death toll keeps compounding... but not initially in the elderly as one would suspect. It's now the young people who took the jab that are "suddenly dying". Here's why. The answer is multi-fold but part of the reason is, the elderly who were less resistant and those who were immunocompromised were killed in round 1 with the release of the virus. Gain of function. That's what it was designed to do in the lab. As the virus ran it's course, the stronger covid-strains naturally died off because they killed their host and could no longer spread. Weaker strains then became more communicable (easier to spread person to person - because they didn't kill the host) and, even though, people became symptomatic they didn't die at the rate the immunocompromised and weaker, elderly died... and the human race began to develop NATURAL herd immunity. Natural. This was not created by the vaxxine. As the news hyped the fear of new variants, people ran out to get their 1st, 2nd, and 22nd booster... thinking they were doing their part to save humanity. Pfizer and Moderna profited and they kicked back money to the politicians and the US government as a thank you for doing business. Not to mention, vaxx manufacturers are completely immune from any lawsuits, liabilities, deaths, or repercussions to follow thanks to the protection of the agencies (government) they pay off... We are now witnessing an economy and Federal Reserve that keeps bumping up interest rates in hopes to slow inflation (from the wildly unreasonable money printing to float their debt that they cannot pay) and raise unemployment... This is not to toot our own horn but... We adjusted 600-700 weekly at The Wellness Pointe in the middle of the plandemic. No one died. Believe what you want. Just helping those connect the dots and live clearer, unblinded lives. Good luck to all.
We've all said it before... some of us more than others. These people have hit a roadblock in health, they hit a plateau, they seem like they are going backwards or haven't seen any progress in weeks, months, years... So they start lying to themselves by saying things like, "I'm doing everything." Listen, you are not doing everything. No one is. But if you keep lying to yourself, you'll find no more room, no more time, no more reason for improvement. We can all do more. We can all do better. Many of us have been deceived that health comes from the outside-in, prescribed from a bottle by some almighty doctor... because we have been created unfearfully and atrociously made and we were born with missing pieces and without an innate wisdom that governs the body... So, we wait for symptoms, a diagnosis, and treat our condition... never restoring or reversing the PROCESS that got us to the diagnosis... We live a life by default rather than by design. When I was 5 years old I was diagnosed with an "incurable" lung condition. The medical doctors put me on 2 experimental drugs to keep my lungs from collapsing and said I'd have to be on these drugs for the rest of my life... for 7 years I would swallow pills and tell myself "I am unworthy, I am sick, I am unable, there is something wrong with me, etc..." My mother took me from expert to expert to find the answer... not knowing the answer was always INSIDE of me. And then an UNKNOWN happened... My mother met a chiropractor who said could help me... (Now you have to remember, my mom's false fragmented belief system of what chiropractic is-- like most of you reading this -- chiropractors tape ankles, stretch hamstrings, and adjust you when you hurt). So my mom's response was, "We've tried EVERYTHING and nothing works." The chiropractor told my mom, "If you tried everything then... your son would have his health back." My mom had 2 options... 1.) get offended (which most do... because we live in a wussified generation who can't handle the truth) or 2.) learn something new... (which ultimately means they don't know it all - that's all of us) Luckily, my mom was all ears... (willing to learn something she didn't know) After performing an examination on my 12 year old dis-eased spine and explaining to my mother how every cell, organ and tissue in the body is designed to perform, operate, function and heal, we FINALLY saw the BLIND SPOTS in my SPINE that was robbing me of living to my full God-given potential. After starting care, 3x's per week for an entire month... I was still waking up in the middle of the night, 2-3x's per week unable to breath... After 2 months of getting adjusted 3x's per week... still no change.... after 3 months, still no change, still waking up gasping for air and still taking medications... and after 3.5 months, I slept through the night for an entire week. Sleeping through a week without waking for air, turned into a month, the month into a year and in 12 months, I weaned myself off of all the medications and my body CURED ITSELF from an "incurable" disease that medical "experts" told me I'd have to be on for the rest of my life. Thank God my mother didn't stop corrective care after 3 months of not "seeing" a result because the dis-ease process would have gotten worse, I would most likely still be on medication to mitigate symptoms or worse yet, it could have progressed into something worse... and I would have never had the chance to teach people this simple truth about health -- INSIDE-OUT.
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October 2023