Today is the day after Memorial Day... a day of respect, remembrance, and realization of the importance of standing up for something bigger than ourselves. Let's be honest... that's why you want to take control and independence of your health and avoid control of big pHARMa, that's why you started a family and choose to raise those children with your family values, that's the reason why you choose not to wear a mask during the plandemic and refused the poison dart... It was a chance to voice your opinion, values, beliefs, etc... regardless of the opposition fighting to destroy it. As I thought this Memorial Day I wonder if every soldier that fought for our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness really understands how much their effort and sacrifice is valued? I know, for me, this country has given me and my family an opportunity that no other place in this world could. It is the courage and sacrifices of our fallen heroes that have preserved the American Dream, ensuring that we can live life on our own terms, have the liberties that we often take for granted, and pursue happiness and chase our own ambitions. They have fought on foreign soil, away from their families, enduring unimaginable hardships, all to ensure that we can continue to thrive in this great country built on hope and possibilities. To think that in 2019 the same country who lets freedom ring, is the home of the brave, and land of the free would declare war... not on foreign soil, not with a foreign nation, not with foreign people... But it's own. And the best way to keep honoring those who lost their lives for this great country is to KEEP FIGHTING.
All the talk is Exhausting and Frustrating when its NOT backed by CONSISTENT ACTION. Distraction is the enemy of focus. I get it, life happens, it's always easier "said than done"... and people get upset at NOT getting to where they want to be on their goals.... There is always an underlying cause... a lack of consistent action! I want you to get more out of your health, more out of life, and more out of any area in life you are working on. But don't just be a talker... be a doer. And stay consistent. Choose the area you want to focus on... then... show up... do the work... and the needle will move. The exhaustion and frustration comes when... You don't hit the goals. You feel behind. You've been procrastinating. You've made a commitment/promise to yourself and didn't follow thru. There is no exhaustion and frustration when... You hit your goals. You feel ahead of the game. You do more than is asked or expected of you. You make a promise to yourself and you KEEP it. This is where peace lives. Consistent Action.
Commitment and Discipline. There is no magic pill, magic solution, 30 days to a better you, mastermind to better health, etc... there is nothing "secret" to getting your health back and staying healthy. The only pill to swallow (and for most it's a difficult one) is committing to the right things for the rest of your life. Some people get this principle and for others... it's just not for you.
Stress can happen in multiple forms. Physical, emotional, and chemical. Or as we (chiros) call them - the 3 Ts. Thoughts, Traumas, and Toxins. This is why all forms of stress can cause our neck to get tight and restricted, our shoulders to rise, posture to collapse, and energy drop. Since the accumulation of stress damage is invisible, we rarely realize it, but there is a physical response to our stress... If the stress is constant (and cumulative) day in and day out, the body's posture becomes 'tired'... not only do our muscles and nerves get worn out, but we do too.
The most common "mom zone" for tension is in the neck, shoulders, and in between the shoulder blades. This physical tension can cause the thyroid to get out of whack, mess with the adrenals, and jazz up other hormones... leading to moms feeling drained, fatigued, and not able to manage all of life's demands. Which for mom... is a lot! Moms are the best! And that is why we want to help them live the best versions of themselves.
Stop leading from crap behaviors. Whether as a business owner, a parent, or in your personal life... Stop demanding your employees to do something you are unwilling to do. Stop demanding your kids to do something you are unwilling to do. Stop demanding your friends to do something you are unwilling to do. And personally stop demanding results without demanding a massive amount of effort out of yourself! Do you want your kids off of social media and fakebook? Stop scrolling on your phone. Do you want your kids to stop playing video games? Then unglue yourself from binge watching tv and sports on the weekends. Do you want your kids to stop eating such crap food? Then put down the beer, snacks, and convenient meals. Do you want your kids to be more active and hardworking? Let them see you move, workout, work, etc... Do you wonder why your kids lose respect for their parents? Do you wonder why your circle never follows thru and makes excuses? Look at your own programming, your own habits, behaviors, action and effort level and you'll probably find 100 reasons why... And if you want it to change, change you.
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October 2023