When it comes to the best and worst foods for kids, the marketing that we've been subject to has done their job in keeping the truth about what's in their manufactured foods from the general public. There are some obvious healthy foods - berries and cinnamon on oatmeal. And there are some obvious unhealthy foods - a cheeseburger and a side of fries for lunch. Then there are those foods that parents think are nourishing and delicious but actually have very little nutritional value and are loaded with inflammation and sugar (both Disease causing).
1. Kids Breakfast Cereal Why a bad option: Even though the box may tell you it's high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, the amount of sugar and processed ingredients nullifies all the benefits you get from it. Better option: Cereal with less than 10g of sugar or whole grain oatmeal with fresh berries. 2. Granola Bars Why a bad option: Loaded with sugar, inflammation, artificial sweeteners and dyes Better option: Homemade energy bars with natural ingredients like almond butter, coconut, raisins, honey and protein powder. 3. Luncheon Meats Why a bad option: Read you labels - most lunch meats contain nitrates, a preservative used in food processing that drastically increases risk of heart disease and cancer.
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October 2023