We've all said it before... some of us more than others. These people have hit a roadblock in health, they hit a plateau, they seem like they are going backwards or haven't seen any progress in weeks, months, years... So they start lying to themselves by saying things like, "I'm doing everything." Listen, you are not doing everything. No one is. But if you keep lying to yourself, you'll find no more room, no more time, no more reason for improvement. We can all do more. We can all do better. Many of us have been deceived that health comes from the outside-in, prescribed from a bottle by some almighty doctor... because we have been created unfearfully and atrociously made and we were born with missing pieces and without an innate wisdom that governs the body... So, we wait for symptoms, a diagnosis, and treat our condition... never restoring or reversing the PROCESS that got us to the diagnosis... We live a life by default rather than by design. When I was 5 years old I was diagnosed with an "incurable" lung condition. The medical doctors put me on 2 experimental drugs to keep my lungs from collapsing and said I'd have to be on these drugs for the rest of my life... for 7 years I would swallow pills and tell myself "I am unworthy, I am sick, I am unable, there is something wrong with me, etc..." My mother took me from expert to expert to find the answer... not knowing the answer was always INSIDE of me. And then an UNKNOWN happened... My mother met a chiropractor who said could help me... (Now you have to remember, my mom's false fragmented belief system of what chiropractic is-- like most of you reading this -- chiropractors tape ankles, stretch hamstrings, and adjust you when you hurt). So my mom's response was, "We've tried EVERYTHING and nothing works." The chiropractor told my mom, "If you tried everything then... your son would have his health back." My mom had 2 options... 1.) get offended (which most do... because we live in a wussified generation who can't handle the truth) or 2.) learn something new... (which ultimately means they don't know it all - that's all of us) Luckily, my mom was all ears... (willing to learn something she didn't know) After performing an examination on my 12 year old dis-eased spine and explaining to my mother how every cell, organ and tissue in the body is designed to perform, operate, function and heal, we FINALLY saw the BLIND SPOTS in my SPINE that was robbing me of living to my full God-given potential. After starting care, 3x's per week for an entire month... I was still waking up in the middle of the night, 2-3x's per week unable to breath... After 2 months of getting adjusted 3x's per week... still no change.... after 3 months, still no change, still waking up gasping for air and still taking medications... and after 3.5 months, I slept through the night for an entire week. Sleeping through a week without waking for air, turned into a month, the month into a year and in 12 months, I weaned myself off of all the medications and my body CURED ITSELF from an "incurable" disease that medical "experts" told me I'd have to be on for the rest of my life. Thank God my mother didn't stop corrective care after 3 months of not "seeing" a result because the dis-ease process would have gotten worse, I would most likely still be on medication to mitigate symptoms or worse yet, it could have progressed into something worse... and I would have never had the chance to teach people this simple truth about health -- INSIDE-OUT.
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