It is becoming more and more common for parents to seek chiropractic care for themselves, their children, their entire families... (Health Secrets). Many adult problems often begin as developing children that have gone undetected and uncorrected.
Things such as birth trauma, C-section delivery, vacuum or forcep delivery and also experiences during "natural" birth can be traumatic for the baby's developing spine and nervous system. Babies born C-section or other added intervention, can have 80-100 pounds of force used to "pull" baby out of womb. Almost all of this force is being placed on the baby's developing spine, nervous system and skull/cranium. This trauma can cause a vertebra (bone) of the spine to move out of it's normal alignment, get fixated (stuck) and cause abnormal motor (muscle) patterns and neurological patterns going into and out of the central nervous system, brainstem, cerebellum, etc.. These misalignments (subluxations) can result in complaints such as; troubles nursing, turning head, sleep, breathing problems, acid reflux, stunted growth, ear infections, allergies, and more.. Chiropractic keeps kids on the road of normal Growth and Development Due to the fact that birth is traumatic, many parents have their children checked by our Elkhorn chiropractor almost immediately after birth. It is also important to have children checked regularly as they are learning to hold their head up, sit, crawl and walk -- as they typically fall 5,000-6,000 times per year on hard, man-made surfaces (and not sand and grass). All these neurological milestones in an infant's and child's life can be impeded if their nervous system is not functioning well or has long-standing stress being placed on it. If your child has never been checked for subluxation or it has been any longer than 10 days since their last check up, please don't hesitate any longer to give us a call. Chiropractic is safe, effective and our Elkhorn office is very AFFORDABLE. Chad Schleiger, D.C. Elkhorn's pediatric and wellness chiropractor [email protected] or 262.215.2292
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October 2023