Dr. Randall’s parents stopped in on Saturday! Sometimes you just have to see it to believe it… They arrived at approximately 11:30am Saturday morning and were welcomed to an office with standing room only… as they waited, 63 people came, got checked for subluxation and left… in only 30mins… “How is that even possible??” As you can imagine, The Wellness Pointe’s business model is just not for everybody… BUT Dr. Randall’s parents loved it! They loved watching the kids jump up on the table… They loved watching the whole family get adjusted together… They loved witnessing a community get adjusted for wellness… They loved hearing the music and not the complaints… They loved seeing the smiling faces, the laughs, the energy… And they loved watching people enjoying and expressing life at 100%. Over the years we have had the blessing of helping so many people embrace this paradigm…while at the same time finding out who our doubters are (or as I call them - haters). Many of them are just some locals who are tired of my loud mouth opinion of big government and big pHARMa along with their secret weapon - the poison dart 💉 … Next, there are some who don’t understand how we can serve so many people per week… And then, there are the others… our colleagues… chiropractors who think we are turning chiropractic into the next McDonalds franchise. Quick. Cheap. Convenient. With a side of diet coke. We don’t believe that! When you take care of someone week after week after week, you begin to know not just their spine but their family, their likes, their dislikes, their dreams, ambitions, what makes them laugh, whether or not they can handle my rude sense of honesty and blunt remarks 🥰 — this creates a bond that continues to build between Us and Them which is impossible to replicate anywhere else. There is a vulnerability and connection that transcends the office and our name and creates a space that allows for miracles in just as little as 1 minute that’s merely punctuated with an adjustment. So how is that even possible? Easy. We love people.
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October 2023