I know many get offended by my black and white delivery... but let me give you some background before you're quick to judge. I was far worse than 99% of people who come to The Wellness Pointe hoping to resolve their problems. And that's a fact. Just so you know where it all started, I'll be honest with you... I was born healthy... but I was not delivered to this earth healthy. If that doesn't make sense to you, watch www.FoundationsClass.com so you can see where design can go wrong... but most importantly, how you can get it right. I grew up my first few years of life like most other kids, running around, eating ice cream on hot summer days, playing soccer with friends, and spending the summers on my grandparents farm... and that is when the "unknown happened"... At 5 years old, I started having trouble breathing... I was delivered/birthed via traditional medicine so when something was wrong we used traditional medical advice and treatment for everything from ear infections to stuttering to bed wetting, etc a pill was always the answer for my symptoms... well... shortly after all that, I was labeled again... diagnosed... with an "incurable" lung dis-ease the medical system said I was going to have for the rest of my life. They had never seen anything like it before... 3-4 nights per week, I would wake up gasping for air, unable to breath, unable to scream for help, it was paralyzing & terrifying to say the least... sleep was my least favorite thing to do (and it still is) because I was unsure if I was going to wake up... The medical system's answer, once again, was more drugs. A pill every morning and every night to make sure my alveoli wouldn't collapse while I slept... Everyday, for 7 years, I would swallow their potion and tell myself, "there's something wrong with me, I'm unworthy, I am unable, I am sick..." For so long, I actually started to beLIEve it. We went from specialist to specialist to find an outside-in answer... never realizing the answer was always inside-out... And then another "unknown happened"... My mother met a chiropractor that said could help me... Now you have to understand the context of what society beLIEves a chiropractor fixes - back pain and headaches - like most of you reading this... we call this a "fragmented belief system" (the belief of only partial truths). We thought (at the time) chiropractors tape ankles, stretch hamstrings, and push on painful spots in the back to make them "pop" back into place... we were uninformed. My mom said, "Thank you BUT we have tried everything and nothing works." The chiropractor said, "If you've tried everything... then your son would have his health back." Shocked! That would be most people's response. And that's most people's reaction when I post stuff like this... but the truth is... I wasn't born sick. I got sick. And if I can get sick, then I can get well. That is an unarguable truth. I did not know that at the time because the diagnosis from the expert was "incurable". Thank God! My mom was all ears... and didn't brush off the chiropractor as some arrogant, judgemental, jerk! (that's what you think of me... and is 1 of the primary reasons you cannot get well). To make a long story short, we started chiropractic care, knowing it was going to be a process since I had my subluxation complex for over 12 years... But here's what happened. And it's not even the punchline, that comes later.... After 3.5 months of getting adjusted 40+ times... I finally slept an entire week without waking up gasping for air. That week turned into a month and that month turned into a year and when I was 13 I, cold turkey, stopped taking my medication, went to the annual lung check up and I blew (literally) all the tests off the charts... The medical doctors said, "Great, the experimental drugs are working" I said, "I'm no longer taking them. I stopped them months ago." [Reminder: I'm 13 years old]. They were dumbfounded. But here's the fact that "science" won't tell you. Drugs don't restore function. Adjustments do. I don't tell you this story to make myself out to be something "special" or an "exception to the rule" nor do I say this to get pity or sympathy from anyone... I say this because we are all "fearfully and wonderfully made". We are not put together or put here by accident. Now here's the punchline (and a hard pill to swallow): Because life is not an accident, neither is your dis-ease process. Health is a culmination of the right behaviors over a long period of time and dis-ease is a culmination of wrong behaviors (many of them blindspots you never even knew were problems) compounded over a long period of time. So stop living life on accident.
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