Have you ever seen an older person with a severe curve to their spine? Do you think that happened all at once? No way! That is what 40-60 years of cumulative vertebral misalignments looks like… You are witnessing the manifestation of tiny, barely perceptible, vertebral misalignments gone uncorrected for years… Every vertebra is separated from the vertebra above and below by soft discs of cartilage that act like ligaments holding your spine together and also as spacers keeping adequate space for nerves to exit between the vertebra. These discs allow for the spine to be in 24 moveable segments to allow for all types of motion. Although having a moveable spine makes for a higher quality of life, the unfortunate part of the spine being able to move so freely is that sometimes it moves “too far” and gets “stuck” out of position… this usually occurs when their is too much stress (thoughts, traumas, toxins) placed on the system. Vertebral misalignments happen all time from a variety of reasons : Like…
Some of the initial vertebral misalignments you do not FEEL because you are too young to realize they are there [for example, do you remember your birth? of course not]… as you get older, you might feel a few of them happen, but taking a tylenol after a bad football tackle or four hours on a computer does not correct the vertebral misalignments that you feel nor does it correct the subluxations that have been there since birth… After some muscle relaxers, tylenol, and a little time that passes, the muscles around the injured area will compensate (adapt) for the new incorrect position of the vertebra. [Because the body is smart and doesn’t want you to be in pain forever.] Soon, the soreness lessens and soon you will be led to believe that whatever was bothering you must have resolved by itself and everything is fine… Until the next stress happens and the damage accumulates… A vertebral misalignment anywhere along the spine can put pressure on the spinal cord and affect the nervous system, but when it happens in the upper cervical area of your spine [just beneath your skull] - the atlas and axis area, that is when things get critical… When the atlas and axis shift out of alignment, they can actually alter function of the brainstem, which puts direct pressure on the relay system of information into and out of your brain… This can cause a wide array of issues as minor as a muscle tension headache, to things as severe as numbness in the extremities, severe chemical/hormonal imbalances, problems perceiving the environment and responding appropriately [like autism, ADD, ADHD, sensory processing, etc], reduced organ function [cardiac, respiratory, thyroid/hormone dis-function] and dis-ease. The critical question is: “Can this be corrected?” The answer is: “Yes, vertebral misalignments can be corrected” But… There are, what we call, limitations to matter. Which means, if the subluxation has been there since birth and now you are 34 years old, visiting a chiropractor for the first time, neurologically, the body may not have the capacity to repair itself… but here is the good thing! — We can keep it from getting worse and we can prevent future problems from manifesting worse. Which then leads to the next critical question: “Why don’t I bring my kids to get checked weekly for vertebral misalignments so they don’t end up with my problems?” The answer is: “You should get them checked weekly.”
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